580 research outputs found

    Cross-Border Collaboration in Disaster Management

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    Wenn sich eine Katastrophe ereignet, ist eine schnelle und koordinierte Reaktion der verschiedenen Krisenmanagementakteure unerlässlich, um die vorhandenen Ressourcen bestmöglich einzusetzen und somit ihre Auswirkungen zu begrenzen. Dieses Zusammenspiel wird erschwert, wenn die Katastrophe mehrere Länder betrifft. Neben den unterschiedlichen Regelungen und Systemen spielen dann auch kulturelle Einflüsse wie Sprachbarrieren oder mangelndes Vertrauen eine entscheidende Rolle. Obwohl die Resilienz von Grenzgebieten von fundamentaler Bedeutung ist, wird diese in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur immer noch unterschätzt. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein agentenbasiertes Modell zur Untersuchung der organisationsübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit bei Katastropheneinsätzen in einer Grenzregion vorgestellt. Indem Kommunikationsprotokolle aus der Literatur auf den Kontext der grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation erweitert werden, analysiert das Modell die globale Dynamik, die aus lokalen Entscheidungen resultiert. Ein szenariobasierter Ansatz zeigt, dass höheres Vertrauen zwar zu signifikant besseren Versorgungsraten führt, der Abbau von Sprachbarrieren aber noch effizienter ist. Insbesondere gilt dies, wenn die Akteure die Sprache des Nachbarlandes direkt sprechen, anstatt sich auf eine allgemeine Lingua franca zu verlassen. Die Untersuchung der Koordination zeigt, dass Informationsflüsse entlang der hierarchischen Organisationsstruktur am erfolgreichsten sind, während spontane Zusammenarbeit durch ein etabliertes informelles Netzwerk privater Kontakte den Informationsaustausch ergänzen und in dynamischen Umgebungen einen Vorteil darstellen kann. Darüber hinaus verdoppelt die Einbindung von Spontanfreiwilligen den Koordinationsaufwand. Die Koordination über beide Dimensionen, zum einen die Einbindung in den Katastrophenschutz und zum anderen über Grenzen hinweg, führt jedoch zu einer optimalen Versorgung der betroffenen Bevölkerung. In einem zweiten Teil stellt diese Arbeit ein innovatives empirisches Studiendesign vor, das auf transnationalem Sozialkapital und Weiners Motivationstheorie basiert, um prosoziale Beziehungen der Menschen über nationale Grenzen hinweg zu quantifizieren. Regionale Beziehungen innerhalb der Länder werden dabei als Vergleichsbasis genommen. Die mittels repräsentativer Telefoninterviews in Deutschland, Frankreich und der deutsch-französischen Grenzregion erhobenen Daten belegen die Hypothese, dass das Sozialkapital und die Hilfsbereitschaft über die deutsch-französische Grenze hinweg mindestens so hoch ist wie das regionale Sozialkapital und die Hilfsbereitschaft innerhalb der jeweiligen Länder. Folglich liefert die Arbeit wertvolle Erkenntnisse für Entscheidungsträger, um wesentliche Barrieren in der grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation abzubauen und damit die grenzüberschreitende Resilienz bei zukünftigen Katastrophen zu verbessern. Implikationen für die heutige Zeit in Bezug auf Globalisierung versus aufkommendem Nationalismus sowie Auswirkungen von (Natur-) Katastrophen werden diskutiert

    Cross-Border Collaboration in Disaster Management

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    In recent years, disaster events spreading across national borders have increased, which requires improved collaboration between countries. By means of an agent-based simulation and an empirical study, this thesis provides valuable insights for decision-makers in order to overcome barriers in cross-border cooperation and thus, enhance borderland resilience for future events. Finally, implications for today's world in terms of globalization versus emerging nationalism are discussed

    On the Value of Accurate Demand Information in Public-Private Emergency Collaborations

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    In cases where the private sector struggles to cope with the impact of a disaster, authorities try to reduce the burden on the population and set up supply chains to distribute essential goods. Therefore, they estimate demand and location of the affected people and open points of distribution to supply goods from, e.g. public buildings or sports facilities. However, the location of these points of distribution depends heavily on accurate demand estimations. Combined with a high time pressure that prevents the collection of detailed data, inefficient decisions result. However, these decisions improve significantly if private actors share their market knowledge. Since this information is strictly confidential for companies and at the same time requires a lot of coordination effort from public actors to acquire, the quantification of the benefits of the collaboration is important for both sides. Moreover, the time at which the information is received and the way the information is utilized regarding different intervention intensities is supposed to be crucial. Therefore, we develop a framework to quantify the consequences of shared information for both actors and apply it to a case study for a tap water contamination in the city of Berlin. We highlight that both actors benefit from the collaboration and that the time the information is received has a comparably low effect on the total supply. Moreover, we show that private actors can reduce the impact of market interventions on their processes significantly by actively collaborating with authorities

    The attitude of the population towards company engagement in Public–Private Emergency Collaborations and its risk perception — A survey

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    Governmental actors benefit from collaboration with companies in emergencies. Even though there are good reasons for companies to support state disaster response, research on so-called Public–Private Emergency Collaborations (PPEC) is still rare. In particular, companies are currently unable to assess to what extent the population values their involvement in such PPECs. We characterize corporate social responsibility (CSR) concepts, emergency cooperation and risk perception from a structured literature research. A survey of 402 participants examines the perception of consumers to link CSR and the associated involvement in emergency cooperation with the economic success of the company. We find that companies’ involvement in PPECs is in general highly valued. Nevertheless, the quality and quantity of corporate communication as well as the communication channel used and the communication strategy strongly affect the population’s perception. In addition, we uncover a highly significant correlation between risk perception and approval of engagement in PPECs. We are contributing to the underexplored field of research by evaluating the involvement of companies in PPECs from the perspective of the population, to take account of the decision-makers in companies as to whether an involvement can be advantageous for them in the long term

    A sensitive LC-MS/MS method for isomer separation and quantitative determination of 51 pyrrolizidine alkaloids and two tropane alkaloids in cow's milk

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    1,2-Unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA), their corresponding N-oxides (PANO), and tropane alkaloids (TA) are toxic secondary plant metabolites. Their possible transfer into the milk of dairy cows has been studied in feeding trials;however, only few data on the occurrence of these toxins in milk are available. In this study, the development of a sensitive analytical approach for the simultaneous detection and quantification of a broad range of 54 PA/PANO as well as of the TA atropine and scopolamine in milk of dairy cows is presented. The method optimisation focused on sensitivity and separation of PA/PANO isomers. Milk samples were extracted using liquid-liquid extraction with aqueous formic acid and n-hexane, followed by a cation-exchange solid-phase extraction for purification. Reversed phase liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis was performed using alkaline solvent conditions. Validation proved low limits of detection and quantification of 0.005 to 0.054 mu g/L and of 0.009 to 0.123 mu g/L, respectively. For 51 of the 54 tested PA/PANO and both TA, the recovery rates ranged from 64 to 127% with repeatability (RSDr) values below 15% at concentration levels of 0.05 and 0.50 mu g/L and below 8% at a concentration level of 3.00 mu g/L. Only three PANO did not match the validation criteria and were therefore regarded as semiquantitative. The final method was applied to 15 milk samples obtained from milk vending stations at farms and from local marketers in Bavaria, Germany. In three of the milk samples, traces of PA were detected

    Nuclei-specific hypothalamus networks predict a dimensional marker of stress in humans

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    The hypothalamus is part of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis which activates stress responses through release of cortisol. It is a small but heterogeneous structure comprising multiple nuclei. In vivo human neuroimaging has rarely succeeded in recording signals from individual hypothalamus nuclei. Here we use human resting-state fMRI (n = 498) with high spatial resolution to examine relationships between the functional connectivity of specific hypothalamic nuclei and a dimensional marker of prolonged stress. First, we demonstrate that we can parcellate the human hypothalamus into seven nuclei in vivo. Using the functional connectivity between these nuclei and other subcortical structures including the amygdala, we significantly predict stress scores out-of-sample. Predictions use 0.0015% of all possible brain edges, are specific to stress, and improve when using nucleus-specific compared to whole-hypothalamus connectivity. Thus, stress relates to connectivity changes in precise and functionally meaningful subcortical networks, which may be exploited in future studies using interventions in stress disorders

    On the Reliability of Diffusion Neuroimaging

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    Over the last years, diffusion imaging techniques like DTI, DSI or Q-Ball received increasin
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